Sunday, 23 April 2017

Hell IS other people! By Joshua HENRY

Hell is the others. But who are "the others"? What are "the others"? Ladies and gentlemen, YOU are "the others"! Every single one of you is a small part of the entity I will refer to as "the others"...

The Others are a bulldozer. A giant, very powerful machine, made to crush. It doesn’t crush things, it doesn’t crush objects. It crushes human beings. Not every person has the “privilege” to be crushed. You have this horrible destiny if you are different. The Others hate differences. It may vary, from a different hair color, to a different skin color, from a different style of clothes to a different way of thinking. If you want to live happily, then don’t be different.

There was a kid once, who loved school. He enjoyed going to classes, reading, learning, participating. But the Others didn’t. It was at first black stares, then the accusations of “sucky” followed. No, that little boy wasn’t answering in class to make the teachers like him. He was answering because he wanted to have more knowledge. However, the Others decided it was his fault. Was it bad to participate? Was it bad to like school? The Others had decided so. So the bulldozer charged on this little boy. He didn’t have a bag like the others had, he had glasses, read books at break, was one year younger. Did that make him a criminal? No, but that made him different. So he got ran over by the bulldozer. Public humiliation. Group beating. Book stealing. The only thing he was hearing from his class comrades were insults. Every morning he woke up, afraid yet forced to walk to what had become an arena, a fighting pit, a nightmare, hell.

Soon, he started to hate school. Something he had liked had turned into a complete hell. Every day he had to go to school, frightened of what was going to happen, which insult he would have to hear, which objects would be stolen, and who would beat him.

The Others had turned him sad, hurt and depressive. The innocence of the little boy, and his dreams, had been crushed. HE had been crushed. The constant bullying, the perpetual harassment, the feeling of exclusion, can only destroy a human being, especially the most fragile member of society, a kid.

Not everyone took part in the destruction process. Not everyone was bullying him. While some were crushing the little boy, the rest were watching, not doing anything. You do not know true rejection until you are afraid, desperate, broken, and hurt, and you look up to your comrades for help only to be ignored. In that crushing, the Others were actors and spectators at the same time.

When you walk past a person who’s getting beaten, and you don’t act, you too are helping to make his life a nightmare.

To those who walk away from the people who suffer, shame on you!

To those who reject persons for not being normal, shame on you!

To those who blame other people rather than question their own wrong doings, shame on you!

To those who take vicious pleasure in crushing difference, shame on you!

To those who let our society slowly transform into a clone factory, shame on you!

By ignoring the pain created by the Others when you have the power to stop it, you’re as guilty as they are. By looking away when that kid was getting beaten, or when someone was harassed, you were responsible of their pain too. If you don’t help, no one will. If you think that someone else will defend them, everybody will think the same. Stop being a worthless sheep. Stop being part of the silent spectating majority. Stop acting like everyone else. You are all different, and you can make a difference. You surely won’t change the world tomorrow, but you can change someone’s life today. You can make a difference. You have to make a difference. Stand aside from the cruel crowd. It doesn’t cost money, only some of your time and consideration, and what is it against someone’s life? You have to help those who suffer in front of you! Open your eyes! The Others are hellish, so don’t be like them, don’t act like them! You have a part of responsibility in everything that happens around you and that you ignore, so stand up!

Hell is the others for the people who are different.

Hell is the others when the persons around you don’t accept you as you are.

Hell is the others because they matter too much in someone’s personal development when they shouldn’t take a part in saying who you are.

Hell is the others because they crush you, and watch you suffer.

Hell is the others, because they ignore the pain they could stop.

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